
Heritage is a resource of things, along with the associated spiritual values , natural, historical and moral phenomena, considered worthy of protection for the good of society and its development. This resource is considered to be worthy of transmission to future generations because of the understood and accepted values ​of natural, historical, patriotic, religious, scientific and artistic works, which are relevant for the identity and continuity of political, social, economic and cultural development, proving the truth and commemoration of historical events, cultivate a sense of beauty and community of civilization.
Heritage refers to something inherited from the past. This word has many meanings, including:
  • Natural heritage: flora and fauna, geological features, landscape and terrain forms, and other natural resources.
  • Cultural Heritage: generally tangible and intangible achievements in science, art, architecture, education.
  • Industrial Heritage: achievements in the field of art and monuments of the industrial culture.

Great people

Polish institutions for heritage

Natural Heritage

Jata Reserve Presentation I
Jata Reserve Presentation II
Jata Reserve Presentation III Jata Reserve eBook

Interesting places

Other links

Royal Castle in Warsaw
Warsaw Rising Museum
Wawel Royal Castle
Royal Łazienki Museum
Wilanow Palace Museum
Copernicus Science Center